3. Through the Wire by Kanye West. One of the best songs from when Kanye was still good, complete with his patented way of slurring words and just making them up when he can’t make real words fit the rhyme or the rhythm…”Thank God I ain’t too cool for the safe belt…”


2. Crawling from the Wreckage by Graham Parker, but also made famous by Dave Edmunds and to a lesser extent CJ Ramone. The lyrics are the selling point:

Crawlin’ from the wreckage, Crawlin’ from the wreckage
Bits of me are scattered in the trees and in the hedges
Crawlin’ from the wreckage, Crawlin’ from the wreckage

And into a brand new car

1. Transfusion by Nervous Norvus. Best novelty song EVER. “Transfusion, tranfusion, I’m just a solid mess of contusions…” It’s graphic, it’s hilarious, it’s got everything.

Covers: Scatman and the punk band Skitzo.

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