By which I mean that for the first time since…recorded history(?)…Marvel lost to DC in total sales.  DC captured 43% of the comic book market in the “new 52” month, with Marvel only at 38%.  Of course, due to DC’s having held the line at $2.99, the publishers’ dollar take was pretty much equal.  As for the bestselling titles: Batman was on top (as it should have been), selling 188k copies—even more than Justice League #1 sold in August!  In fact, DC has 17 of the top 20 books—and 32 of the top 50.  That’s tremendous for them. 
Here’s the full top 10 for September 2011:
10. Batman & Robin #1
9. Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1
8. Fear Itself #6
7. Batman The Dark Knight #1
6. Detective Comics #1
5. Superman #1
4. Flash #1
3. Green Lantern #1
2.  Grant Morrison’s Action Comics #1
1.  Batman #1.
Another interesting tidbit: Deadpool is now at the bottom, ranking #92 out of 100.  Big difference from last summer.
See the full 100 here.

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