Spinal Tap! If there was ever a movie with more classic lines, I can’t think of it. But if you wanted to see it but have a blu ray player as your sole source of home-movie viewing, you were shit out of luck. Until now.
Two lucky readers will win a copy of This Is Spinal Tap on Blu Ray. Here’s the extras:
- Disc 1 (BD)
- Over 1 Hour of Deleted Scenes and Outtakes
- Audio Commentary by the Members of Spinal Tap
- Catching Up With Marty DiBergi Featurette
- Flower People Press Conference
- 4 Classic Spinal Tap Music Videos
- Gimme Some Money
- (Listed to the) Flower People
- Hell Hole
- Big Bottom
- Spinal Tap Appearance on The Joe Franklin Show
- Spinal Tap sells cheese and a variety of other exciting products
Disc 2 (DVD)
- “Stonehenge” Performance at the 2007 Live Earth Concert
- National Geographic Stonehenge Interview with Nigel Tufnel
Here’s how to win your copy:
Drop a comment or send me an e-mail with your favorite Spinal Tap quote (put “spinal tap giveaway” on the subject line). That’s it. Best of luck, and don’t forget to smell the glove!
Contest closes on Saturday, August 15, at which time I’ll be e-mailing your for your mailing address. So keep an eye peeled for my e-mail!
NOTE: Winner will be chosen at random, and you can say the same quote someone else said.