Go check out these bloggers, for these reasons, in their own words (mostly):

1. . . . Three Pints: “I don’t advertise or buy into corporate hype. I don’t allow myself to
be pressured into posting something I don’t like, or that I can’t recommend. Nothing but the truth, so help me.”

2. . . . Ryan’s Smashing Life: “The way I write, the thoughts I type into my blog, the effort I put into my page – are all accurate examples of who I am. I work hard, I’m a bright dude and I care about the people in my life and the mark I leave on the world.”

3. . . . Palms Out: “palms out is
party music for couch potatoes/hamburgers for vegetarians/slow dancing for maniacs.”

4. . . . Passion of the Weiss. “If by some chance you want to tell your readers that my blog no longer looks hackey and amateurish, it would also be much much appreciated (now if I can only do something about the hackey and amateurish writing, I’d be set).”

5. . . . Scatter O’ Light. “it’s all about bono and not at all about bono. really.”

6. . . . Retro Music Snob. “The one thing you readers should know about “Retro Music Snob” is that we embrace the music of the past…all genres, any time period! It’s fine to like punk or 70’s pop! Ok…so we give a few more posts to power pop and the 80’s tunes. Nothing’s off limits.”

7. . . . . RIAA Radar. Because they fight the good fight. (Technically not a blog, but a site run on donations. YOUR donations. Go give ’em a buck or two.)

8. . . . Gather Round Children. “Gather Round, Children is a variety blog serving up remixes, recordings, reviews, and articles. Jump on it!”

*Berkeley Place endorses the above blogs with all our heart and ears. Check ’em out.

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