The show’s theme was about as charming as its star, and that’s saying a lot. Never before–or at least not since James Dean–has an American actor been able to parlay his charisma into such a storied career. (Let’s face it, Will Smith doesn’t have a lot of range. Anyone who says he’s a great actor has to reach all the way back to 6 Degrees of Separation.) And never before has such a career been launched from a TV show where said actor dressed like Pepa.
Smith performed the theme with his DJ, Jazzy Jeff, who was on the show in a recurring role as a guy getting tossed out on his ass. Which was surprisingly funny. Even more surprising? There’s a bunch of dudes who’ve covered it . . .
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air-Beyond the Nile. A fair quality audience boot of a straightforward cover. What’s so funny about it? The drunk in the audience who screams out, “Saved by the bell!”
FPOBA-Sparrows and Crows. This acoustic cover is the shit, yo.
And here’s another cover, just for shits and giggles: The Fresh Prince of Bel Air-Polypdsia