Shanna The She Devil #1-7 (2005)

That cover sums up this miniseries.  Frank Cho at his Frank Cho-iest drawing a hot chick in a loin cloth beating up reptiles, dinosaurs and plunderers.

And taking waterfall showers.  Honestly, I felt a little like that gawking perv as I read this series.

The heavy cheesecake factor may be why this book isn’t considered canon but there’s no reason for it to be set in a different universe.  Unless it’s because Earth-616 Shanna doesn’t have artificially enhanced boobs?

Anyway, I enjoyed this series and I’m only slightly ashamed to admit that.

X-Men Unlimited #8 (2005)

COVER Story one: Angel and Cyclops uses his wealth to build what’s essentially an indoor air park where disabled people can put on artificial wings and fly.  Acceptably corny.  Grade:…