CHAMPIONS #11 (1977)

I wish they didn’t insist on calling Bill Foster’s character Black Goliath. 

Anyway, I’m pretty sure this was John Byrne’s first work with Marvel. At least, he’s billed in the credits as “introducing the pulse-pounding pencils of…”

champions #11 crash

This issue starts with a female driver joke.

Then, an interlude in the West where Ghost Rider, who is not with the team anymore, meets Hawkeye, who is still road-tripping with the time-displaced Two-Gun Kid.

Ghost Rider fights a stampede.

champions john byrne first marvel work

Then the team fights space invaders and blows them up.

It ends by showing us that next issue, we’ll see Stilt Man.  I like him.

HULK: GRAY #1-6 (2003-2004)

Hulk: Gray by Loeb and Sale. A fantastic examination of the Banner/Hulk struggle told from Banner’s perspective to Doc Samson during a therapy session. This is probably one of my…