X-Men #180-181 (2006): What Lorna Saw

Polaris was de-powered by Scarlet Witch, but for the last several issues we’ve been told that she had a premonition of a big danger coming.  These issues explore that storyline.

At the end of the last story, Lorna and Havok quit the X-Men, even though Scott tried to stop him. 

But you can’t stop love, and Alex and Lorna have that. They also seem to have endless funds because they use this as an excuse to travel the world and get into fights with anti-mutant racists.  Their adventures bring them into contact with Daap.  The cover makes you think it’ll be Doop, but it’s not.  Daap’s a bad guy, it turns out, so they kill it.

Meanwhile, Gazer—who is part of the interstellar threat anticipated by Lorna—is … I dunno.  Don’t really care.

Also: Apocalypse reappears and doesn’t like what’s happening to the X-Men (I don’t either!).  And Mystique joins the group with Augustus, who she intends to be Rogue’s next boyfriend.

The next arc will be the return of Apocalypse. Please make this stop.