Captain America #15 (2006)

This issue is a one-off that inspired some controversy. It focuses on Crossbones, who has kidnapped Red Skull’s daughter and is trying to undo the brainwashing she experienced while in SHIELD custody. He takes her through (versions of) her past and that of her father, but it’s hard to know if the stories are true.

When that doesn’t work, Crossbones tortures her, beats her, and nearly kills her.

Ultimately, his work is successful and Synthia appears to now be in love her with kidnapper…

In issue #17, readers wrote in about the horrifying sadism in this issue, and the implication that Crossbones essentially re-brainwashed Schmidt to now be in love with him—thus making the above scene essentially a rape. Ed Brubaker personally responded to this mail, and justified the explicity and harrowing story as being in service to the larger tale he was weaving through this series.

I have to say that I agree with him. Yes, this is a very adult issue—but that is largely the point: Comics aren’t for kids anymore, and he’s telling a very adult, very realistic (within the overall genre) story.

Note that only two character actually appear in this story, other than some flashbacks that may/may not be actually true.