Spider-Man: Tangled Web #21 (2003)

The Christmas issue in which Spider-Man kills Santa.

OK, so not really.  But it is a lot of fun.

Puppet Master makes Flash Thompson (in a Spider-Man suit) and Medusa wreak havoc at a toy store.  The FF and Spidey save the day, but not before fake Spider-Man trashes Christmas for the children, which enables J. Jonah Jameson to prove to the little kiddos that Spidey is, in fact, a menace to society.

WOLVERINE #186 (2003)

In the last arc, Logan took down a mob boss. That’s usually Punisher’s gig. Plus, in the pages of Marvel Knights, Punisher ran over Wolverine with a steamroller. So in…

Truth: Red White and Black #1-7 (2003)

This is a terrific miniseries that asks, “What If? the super soldier serum was an experiment administered to black soldiers”–an obvious parallel to the real-world Tuskegee experiments. We are witness…