Everything Melts Eventually (EP label sampler)

Who is Broken Circle records?  They’re the guys who are giving you four great songs on an EP showcasing four of their acts.  First, there’s Bandit’s “Flake,” the single most depressing Christmas song you’ll ever enjoy.  And I do mean enjoy.  Or maybe I mean “be haunted by.”  Either way, give it a listen.

Then, move to the smooth, jazzy Christmas song by Triathalon, titled, “On The Sofa.” It’s also not a jingle-belly kinda tune, but it’s great nonetheless. It’s my favorite song on the EP, in fact, and I’m hoping to hear more from them in 2016.

Third we get Ivadell’s, “Dog Days,” probably the most straight-forward song on the EP–and the most upbeat by far. And the whole thing closes with the grinding, struggle-to-walk-through-hip-deep-snow, heavy sound of Slow and Steady. A more appropriate name for this band’s sound is hard to imagine.

A sweet little sampler–check it out.

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